The Vendor Comply Complaint Management Solution is a fully integrated feature of Re-Pros and iRepo Assignment Management Solutions but it is also 100% “stand alone”. This allows lenders the option of mandating Vendor Comply to each of their vendors regardless of the vendor’s choice of internal assignment management software. Re-Pros and iRepo vendors will benefit from the ability to create a complaint directly from Re-Pros or iRepo, which in turn relates the actual lender assignment with the complaint and subsequent resolution. However, non Re-Pros and iRepo users will be able to create consumer related complaints and subsequent resolutions directly in Vendor Comply. Each entered complaint and resolution is associated to the appropriate lender for compliance and historical reporting purposes.

Vendor Comply’s automated reporting service sends each participating vendor’s complaint report to the lender via email, FTP, or other customizable solution at the end of each month. Without manual intervention by the lender, Vendor Comply guarantees the lender will receive complaint data from every vendor as required.

  • Integrated with Lender and Vendor internal assignment management software
  • Capture customer complaints and resolutions in real time
  • Schedule follow-ups and tasks
  • Industry-wide solution for every vendor
    and lender
  • Re-Pros and iRepo users benefit from assignment-level creation features
  • Automated monthly reporting service
  • And much more!